About Us

We are the Nation's Readerboard Marketing expert, specializing in readerboards and readerboard marketing since 1987.
Why do we specialize in that funny readerboard sign? Because, believe it or not, that funny readerboard sign is the most powerful and cost effective advertising tool available to you. Your reader board will outsell direct mail, radio, T.V. and newspaper combined!
National Readerboard Supply is the only company specializing in reader board marketing and supplies.
"How can that be?" you ask. 86% of your sales come from within a five mile radius of your store., Radio, T.V. and newspapers boast large exposure, but you need to ask yourself, how many of those people are within that five mile radius of my store? The money spent to reach those large numbers is largely wasted on people who may hear your message but will never travel the required distance to actually spend their money in your location.
Your reader board, however communicates with your potential customer at the absolute best possible time, when they're right in front of your store! Then you add the fact that 42% of all buying decisions are impulse related and that your reader board can stimulate that impulse to buy right from your customer's car – you have a very powerful and effective marketing tool.
Now consider this, your readerboard is already paid for and it came with a complete box of letters that is just sitting in the back room. You can take those letters and literally change your message, put up a new special and communicate with your local market (86% of your sales market) virtually for FREE!